Call for Papers & Posters

You can refer to one of the Key Themes or to one of the Special Sessions
For the key-themes description please refer to the Congress homepage >
List of organised sessions
Theme Session Chair Abstract
T1 S01 - Collaboration, networking, and partnerships for sustainable agritourism growth Hollas Chadley Abstract
T1 S02 - Social Science Perspective on Agritourism: an international approach to research Chiodo Emilio Abstract
T1 S03 - An uphill climb with a bag of rocks Pepler, Ruth Abstract
T2 S04 - The Impact of Luxury on Authentic Agritourism Experiences Jones Scottie Abstract
T3 S05 - Regenerative Agritourism Framework, Standards and Certification Maccari Michele Abstract
T3 S06 - Regenerative agritourism values, practices and policy implications Gillespie David Abstract
T3 S07 - Indigenous Foodways in Agritourism LaBonte Kacey Abstract
T4 S08 - Navigating the global landscape of agritourism: Towards a unified definition Quendler Erika Abstract
Problem statement
Research questions
Brief description of the added value based on the state of the art
Target group (scientific community? Stakeholders?)
Contributions not accepted can be transformed in poster sessions.
Please submit proposals for papers or posters in the form of 2000 characters max. abstract in English (text only).
Authors are invited to submit original presentations / posters that are not being considered for publication in any other events.
All Congress sessions will be held in English, therefore all submissions must be in English.
A submitter must be (co-)author of the submission and (one of) the presenting author(s).
All correspondence will be sent to the submitter.
There is a maximum of 2 submissions and 2 presentations per person.
All participants need to register and pay the due registration fee.
Presenters must be in presence. Remote presentations are not allowed.
Registration is effective after full receipt of payment. Only registered authors will be included in the official programme.
Afterwards the authors will have the opportunity to submit a full paper in order to publish it. (more info coming soon)
By submitting an abstract, the paper and/or a poster, you are granting the LOC permission to publish it in the conference proceedings and to disseminate it also electronically.
Presentations could be audio and video recorded and made available to conference attendees after the congress.
Should you have any questions, please contact the Local Organizing Committee.
Monday 29th January 2024 at 23:59.
Following a review of the LOC and/or the Congress Advisory Board, the organizers will decide on acceptance or rejection of the paper or poster.
A notification will be sent to the submitter on February 5th, 2024 by email.
If you have not received an email notification after February 10, 2024, please contact us via e-mail.
Note: the LOC has the right to reject submissions from the congress or move submissions to another theme or another type of session.