Call for Papers & Posters


The Call for Papers & Posters

The Congress organisers invite all interested professionals, practitioners, researchers, public and private institutions, as well as international networks and initiatives related to agritourism to send their proposals for presentation or poster referring to one of the Key Themes of the congress or to one of the Special Sessions. We welcome thematic proposals deriving from all types of disciplines and concerning both basic and applied research.
The link to the concept of Agritourism needs to be evident and you are encouraged to keep in mind the criteria listed on the webpage before submitting your proposal. Please keep in mind that the congress` understanding of agritourism is more than mere marketing of agricultural products (= direct marketing), gastronomic offers/services (=catering) or touristic activities in rural areas (= e.g., biking, trekking, etc.); it´s a cultural and interactive experience of farming, agriculture, rural life from diverse perspectives. Each contribution should highlight this perspective and make a clear reference to the conference topic on sustainability or SDGs.
We very welcome contributions by farmers on interesting practical experiences which present concrete work and business experiences and economic, social, and environmental challenges to achieve sustainability.
You can refer to one of the Key Themes or to one of the Special Sessions 
For the key-themes description please refer to the Congress homepage >
List of organised sessions

T1S01 - Collaboration, networking, and partnerships for sustainable agritourism growthHollas ChadleyAbstract
T1S02 - Social Science Perspective on Agritourism: an international approach to researchChiodo EmilioAbstract
T1S03 - An uphill climb with a bag of rocksPepler, RuthAbstract
T2S04 - The Impact of Luxury on Authentic Agritourism ExperiencesJones ScottieAbstract
T3S05 - Regenerative Agritourism Framework, Standards and CertificationMaccari MicheleAbstract
T3S06 - Regenerative agritourism values, practices and policy implicationsGillespie DavidAbstract
T3S07 - Indigenous Foodways in AgritourismLaBonte KaceyAbstract
T4S08 - Navigating the global landscape of agritourism: Towards a unified definitionQuendler ErikaAbstract

  • Problem statement
  • Research questions
  • Brief description of the added value based on the state of the art
  • Target group (scientific community? Stakeholders?)
Contributions not accepted can be transformed in poster sessions.
  • Please submit proposals for papers or posters in the form of 2000 characters max.  abstract in English (text only).
  • Authors are invited to submit original presentations / posters that are not being considered for publication in any other events.
  • All Congress sessions will be held in English, therefore all submissions must be in English.
  • A submitter must be (co-)author of the submission and (one of) the presenting author(s).
  • All correspondence will be sent to the submitter.
  • There is a maximum of 2 submissions and 2 presentations per person.
  • All participants need to register and pay the due registration fee.
  • Registration is effective after full receipt of payment. Only registered authors will be included in the official programme.
  • Afterwards the authors will have the opportunity to submit a full paper in order to publish it. (more info coming soon)
  • By submitting an abstract, the paper and/or a poster, you are granting the LOC permission to publish it in the conference proceedings and to disseminate it also electronically.
  • Presentations could be audio and video recorded and made available to conference attendees after the congress.
  • Should you have any questions, please contact the Local Organizing Committee.
Monday 29th January 2024 at 23:59.
  • Following a review of the LOC and/or the Congress Advisory Board, the organizers will decide on acceptance or rejection of the paper or poster.
  • A notification will be sent to the submitter on February 5th, 2024 by email.
  • If you have not received an email notification after February 10, 2024, please contact us via e-mail.
  • Note: the LOC has the right to reject submissions from the congress or move submissions to another theme or another type of session.
We urge participants to consider presenting their work as posters; it’s a great opportunity to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research from a knowledgeable crowd at the congress.
The poster session will be dedicated to the current situation (data and facts) in single countries or world regions and continents: what is the state of the art? What data is there regarding agritourism in your country? What main challenges/problems (as precise as possible)? What laws or guiding legal frameworks? The aim is to have a very brief overview of the agritourism sector in the world.
Accepted posters will be displayed for the entire conference on poster boards.
Presenters are required to be present at the specific time in order to take part in the discussion and exchange views with other colleagues.
Presenters should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel and important about the work.
All posters papers must be in English and all figures, photographs, and diagrams to be used for poster presentation must be clearly discernible and tidy. The presented posters will be digitally archived and made publicly available after the conference.
An award will be given to the three best posters judged during the conference by the Advisory Board of the Congress. Priority is given to creative and innovative approaches which focus more on visual, graphic, and illustrative features, and on data. Please avoid or limit text boxes and long descriptions
All papers have been assigned discussants. As a discussant, you provide feedback on the paper and presentation and kick off the general discussion. As a rule, there is a maximum of 5 minutes for the discussant. Papers assigned to you, can be accessed through the online programme if the paper has been made publically available by the author(s). If a paper has not been uploaded, please contact the author and/or the special session conveners directly for access.
All sessions have been assigned chairs. The chair’s main job is to allow all presenters the allotted time to present their work. Please, if not necessary, do not change the order of presentation. In all sessions, the chair also makes sure the discussant has the opportunity to reflect on the presentation and paper.
Every Presentation room will be equipped with a computer already connected to a screen to project your presentation and to internet. All computers are equipped with a USB port as well as Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Power Point. Please bring your presentations in these file formats already on a USB flash drive. As a guideline, the following schedule can be used: 5 papers in 120 minutes: 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion + 20 minutes for general discussion. All presentations will be assigned a discussant.
All Sessions have a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 submitted papers. In case a proposed Special Session does not meet this condition, it will be programmed differently.
If you have any questions, please contact the Congress organisers at
Eurac Research
Institute for Regional Development
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